1. Impeachment Proceedings: Democrats in the House of Representatives initiated two impeachment processes against Trump, one in 2019 related to Ukraine and the other in 2021 concerning the January 6 Capitol riot.
  2. Lawsuits Over Election Results: After the 2020 presidential election, many Democratic officials and organizations filed lawsuits to counter Trump’s claims of election fraud and to ensure the certification of election results.
  3. Investigations and Subpoenas: Various Democratic-led committees in Congress have conducted investigations into Trump’s actions, including his business dealings, the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the events surrounding January 6. This included issuing subpoenas for documents and testimony.
  4. State-Level Legal Actions: Democratic state attorneys general have pursued legal actions against Trump and his businesses, including investigations into alleged fraud and misconduct.
  5. Civil Lawsuits: Various civil lawsuits have been filed against Trump by individuals and organizations, including cases related to defamation, business practices, and the January 6 insurrection.
  6. Ethics Complaints: Democrats have filed ethics complaints against Trump and his administration officials, alleging violations of laws and regulations.
  7. Judicial Appointments: Democrats have sought to influence the judiciary through appointments and confirmations of judges who may be more likely to rule against Trump in various legal matters.
  8. Public Advocacy and Campaigns: Democrats have used public platforms to advocate for legal accountability for Trump, including calls for investigations and prosecutions related to his actions while in office.



Gavin Newsom Bans California From Requiring ID to Vote

‘Sounding the alarm’: Election officials warn postal delays could invalidate mailed ballots

Election officials and lawmakers are worried that U.S Postal Service delays could prevent thousands of ballots from being counted this year, in what could be an extremely close presidential contest.

State election officials raised alarms in a letter last month to the postmaster general about “exceptionally long delivery times,” ballots being held for billing issues and voter mail being returned as undeliverable.

Issues Voting in Hurricane Struck Areas

In a sign of bipartisan cooperation, RFK drops out of the race and endorses President Donald Trump. The Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) Movement was born.

Elon Musk warns Trump supporters: ‘This will be the last election in America if you don’t vote:

FBI Whistleblower: “This is a warning to the American people, I say: I personally have no confidence that the FBI will rein in its own conduct,” Allen said, later adding “I personally believe that there are no current, effective checks and balances against them conducting lawless action with any type of correction in a legitimate timeframe.”

Whistleblower Warns FBI Will Deploy Plainclothes Agents to Maricopa County Polling Stations to Monitor Trump Voters

“My office has recently received a report that the FBI will be stationing plain-clothed agents in polling stations throughout Maricopa County. According to the whistleblower who attended the security briefing, the purpose of his deployment is to make sure Trump voters don’t ‘get out of line,’” Kolodin wrote.

Kolodin made it clear that the House is “prepared to take immediate action” against any attempts by federal agents to intimidate or censor Arizona voters.

“I sincerely hope that this disturbing allegation is false. Rest assured, however, that if your agents here for any other purpose than ensuring that every lawful voter is able to cast a ballot, the House is prepared to take immediate action to secure to all Arizonans the equal protections of the laws.”

Kolodin also expressed his skepticism that the FBI would take his warning seriously given its “pattern and practice of election interference and censorship of speech unfavorable to the Biden-Harris administration and its allies.”

The letter also pointed out that presidential elections are administered by state, not federal law, making any interference from federal agents an lawful overreach.

Kolodin concluded his letter with a message to Arizona voters:

“Do not be deterred from voting by these last, desperate acts of a dying regime about to be swept away by the winds of history. Rest assured, if the powers that be were confident of the outcome, they would not be trying so hard to keep you away from the polls,” he wrote.

MSNBC producer caught on tape: Admits to pushing Harris campaign, says network ‘made viewers dumber’
