
Considering the sea of information available to us in our modern times, it can be hard to cut through the dense fog of lies and confusion to get to what is real and true. Luckily, Jesus is the bright lighthouse shining amongst our troubled seas. He makes the water still, and quiets the mighty gale. On the surface, Christianity looks like any other religion. As though it were merely one option of many. This surface level thinking blind us and keep us ignorant to the Truth of His light, and our ship is set adrift without bearing. This is dangerous and will lead to physical and spiritual death.

It is only when we dive deeper and realize the True significance of Jesus who IS The Christ, that we can properly navigate life. It matters what god you serve, and it’s important you know the nature and character of that god. In reality, there is only One True God. That God is not “everything”, but is instead a distinct sovereign person or spiritual entity with a distinct character. He has revealed Himself in three forms: God the Father, God the Son: Jesus Christ, and God the Spirit: The Holy Ghost. Jesus is the perfect sinless son of God, fully God and fully Man.

It might sound like a bunch of jumbled up nonsense to someone who has never heard the concept, but this is the way it is. God created creation, and our eternal souls. He created man and woman, but mankind sinned against Him. Thus, since the fall of man we have been found guilty, unclean, and sinful in His sight. It could only be, that a sinless man would save the flesh of the sinful. All of us would be found guilty upon death, and in accordance with His perfect justice we would face His perfect judgment by spending eternity in hell.

However, God is Good, and in His Endless Mercy He sacrificed His Only begotten Son on the Cross to bear the weight of our sin for us. Jesus was God incarnated into a human. He was fully God and fully Man. He grew tired and He got hungry. He knew what it was like to laugh, to cry, to suffer, to be humiliated, and to be tempted. He was born from a human mother’s womb. He was a baby, who grew up into a child, then a teenager, and finally young man. What Truly sets Jesus apart from the false gods of other religions, is that the salvation He offers us is the Only Truly attainable source of Life everlasting. He is the only living, breathing God. All the other false gods are dead, and their praise and worship leads to cold, unforgiving death. They that follow them are left to rot in the tomb, destined to slowly decay like the false idols they knelt before. Their souls scream from the pit, and cry out for Jesus. He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. No man gets to the father but by Him. He is our savior, our redeemer, our King. He is the Good Shepard called The Christ. He is our defense, our best friend, and our ONLY hope of salvation.

I believe that Jesus is the one True God, and the only way to Salvation! I believe in the ideas of liberty and freedom that America was founded on. I hold the declaration of independence, the constitution, and bill of rights in their proper esteem. I love fast cars, electric guitars, big guns, and beautiful women. I bleed red blood. I am one of many who are the last line of defense in the fight against Globalism.
