Social Darwinism / Elitism

The elite believe they are a more advanced form of human. In order to justify their belief they grafted Darwin's theories of biological evolution onto social organization to create Social Darwinism. Over the centuries they have referred to the public variously as cattle, sheep and "its" (as Plato did in The Republic) and Social Darwinism is merely the modern expression of this attitude and their elitist belief system. Under this belief system only those that have proven their worth over many generations of dominance and control are worthy of entrance into high elite circles.

Eugenics / Selective Breeding

The elite throughout history in support of belief in their own superiority over the common person have practiced interbreeding among themselves. They do this to preserve intelligence, love of power and above all the ruthlessness and willingness to kill as required. They still practice this today. Also, along similar lines they believe in and practice of eugenics on the public to control the population and to make them more docile, controlled, stupid and compliant. Having been exposed by Hitler's atrocities the elite went underground - for example by renaming Eugenics Quarterly to Social Biology in 1969.

Psychopathy Among Elites

This is not a belief but more of an sobering fact that must be considered when evaluating the values and actions of the elite. It has been well established, as shown by Andrew Lobaczewski in his book "Political Ponerology" & cell phone spy, that the elite and those that are most capable of rising to the top of a system based on money are psychopathic. This includes leaders in all centers of power including business and politics. As psychopaths they have no conscience, lust for power and control and are literally capable of anything.

Machiavellianism (The Ends Justify the Means)

The view that politics is amoral and that any means however unscrupulous can justifiably be used in achieving political power; political cunning and artifice, intended to favor arbitrary power. Because the elite truly believe that the ends justifies the means and the fact that they are for the most part psychopathic, they have absolutely no problem lying to the public. This is also known as the ethics of war where the only morally abhorrant act is losing.

Mystery Religions / Occult

As hard as it is to imagine, the elite practice a form of pagan religion based on the mystery school religions of Sumer and Babylon under which they seek to achieve godhood. Equally important is the use of religion to control the masses and to that end they create exoteric (visible) religions for the masses while embedding in those religions esoteric (hidden) meanings that only those that and enlighted, or illumined as they call it, are able to understand. Consequently, the ancient symbols used thousands of years ago can still be seen in religion, business and the media today.

Collectivism as Social Control

After experimenting for hundreds of years with different forms of social organization, the elite have concluded that collectivism is the best form of social control. For this reason, and according to the United Nations, totalitarian China is considered the model state for the future.


The elite have long viewed a rising population as a threat to their dominance. They realized that eventually a large number of people will inevitably overthrow and remove them from power. They are particularly concerned with the middle class whose intelligence and capacity to organize makes them the biggest threat. Consequently, the elite plan to destroy the middle class and make all the of public equally poor and thus incapable of rebelling. As written on the Georgia Guidestones, they want a global population of just 500 million. This means 6+ billion people must die over the coming century.


Multi-generational Planning

The evolution of society is not something the elite can leave to chance since society could evolve in thousands of different and unpredictable ways. If they were ever to allow this they might lose their control and dominance over us. In order to continue their position as the dominant minority, they plan decades and even centuries in advance.

Revelation of the Method

The elite's do tell us through their books and publications, movies and news releases what they are doing - this is called Revelation of the Method. If you are too stupid to recognize it for what it is that is your problem from their point of view. It is a form of ritual mocking of the victim.

New World Order

As we leave the age of Pisces and enter the age of Aquarius, the elite want to completely change and reorder society. They call it the "New World Order" and later rebranded it to "Globalization" when the people started asking too many questions about what they meant by a New World Order. The characteristics of their new society are discussed in the sections below.

World Governance not World Government

It's important to understand that the elite do not want world government per se but rather a form of world governance in their personal control. A world government would imply some sort of input and opportunity for participation by the public. They have no intention of allowing this to happen. The United Nations as an unelected and as such unaccountable body has been established to serve this purpose.

Merger of Capitalism and Communism

In order to bring about global governance it is imperative that communism and capitalism be merged into a new system where economic control remains and is concentrated in private hands and social control is based on collectivism. As established by a U.S congressional investigation headed by Senator Norman Dodd into the great foundations back in the 1960's, this was in fact one of the main purposes for which the foundations were created.

Population Reduction

As stated in the section on beliefs, the elite are obsessed with over population and have written about it for centuries. Consequently, as written on the Georgia Guidestones, they want a global population of just 500 million. This means 6 billion people must die over the coming century starting in 2010.

Return to Feudalism

The elite believe that the world is simply consuming too many resources, resources that belong to them and their descendants and consequently, as outlined in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and Agenda 21, we must return to a form of feudalism and into a post-industrial era.

Scientific Dictatorship

This new society will have different characteristics for different groups of people or classes, run in a scientific manner by a subservient group of technocratic scientific elite. In fact, today we already live in a form of scientific dictatorship where the majority of people are brainwashed from birth through the media and educational system. Ultimately, they want to develop purpose made, genetically engineered humans and only those with a purpose that serves the state will be allowed to be born and never able to understand the truth about the world in which they live.

Divide & Conquer

Political, military and economic strategies that intentionally divide people on the basis of race, sex, nationality, etc.

Illusion of Choice

They fund both sides of a war. They own both coke and pepsi. They make us argue over left vs. right so we don't argue over right vs. wrong.

Incrementalism (i.e. Gradualism)

Incrementalism is a process whereby society is slowly engineered and our rights and freedoms are slowly eroded over time so that we don't notice it's happening and are led to believe change is necessary on only one item and this change is not related to other changes. In the short term the changes are almost imperceptible, but are nevertheless part of a long term campaign to gain control of us all. It is thus a strategy of coercion. This can be observed in every method of control listed and most visibly in education, religion and culture.

Dumbing Down of the Population

A well informed and educated population is the last thing they want as they prepare to bring the people through the greatest period of change in human history. To accomplish this they have systematically reduced the quality of education and have chemically reduced the IQ of the population by adding fluoride to the water and mercury to the vaccines.

Hegelian Dialectics (i.e. Problem/Reaction/Solution)

The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one.

When the newly inflamed difficulty reaches the boiling point of a crisis, it becomes the foundation upon which arguments may again be made for change. Hence, the process is repeated, over and over, moving society toward whatever end the planners have in mind.

Shock / War

Used under circumstances when the public would otherwise object, shock events are used to overcome major hurdles. False flag events such as the Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are examples of shock events in action. Such events usually result in wars which are then used to make fundamental transformative changes to society.


Simply put they lie and lie some more. The real intents and objectives are hidden from the public and shrouded in secrecy.

Bread and Circuses

As the Roman elite recognized, in order to create a compliant population, it is important to keep them fat (bread) and happy/distracted (circuses) with copious entertainment so they don't do too much thinking. To this end, the television is the greatest method of distraction and mental manipulation ever created.


False Flag Operations / Government Sponsored Terror

As exposed in films like Terror Storm, the majority of terrorism is in fact sponsored by governments in order to stampede their populations through fear towards a predetermined agenda. A key element of government sponsored terror is false flag operations where governments attack themselves and blame the attack on an enemy in order to stampede the population into war or social change that serves the agenda of the global elite. The attacks of September 11, 2001 and the London Bombings on 7/7/2005 are a couple of the most recent false flag operations.

Agent Provocateurs

Governments throughout history have a habit of hiring agent provocateurs in order to discredit legitimate protest. One example is where the US government hired the Black Bloc to destroy property at the Seattle 1999 WTO meeting protests. Another example is how the Quebec Provincial Police posed as anarchists intent on throwing rocks on the protesters at the 2007 SPP protest in Montebello, Quebec but were caught by protesters and ultimately admitted to by the Quebec police. No links provided - easy to look up for yourself - do it.

Private Central Banks

The control on money and the ability to create money and indebtedness is the primary method of control exercised by the elite. This is a con game of monetary magic whereby they create money out of nothing then lend it at interest to the public. This is in reality a Ponzi scheme that is preprogrammed to collapse. Unfortunately, the US at the end of this cycle of collapse and their destruction is inevitable as such. A number of great documentaries such as Money as Debt and the Money Masters explain this very well. They have systematically gained control over the banking systems of most countries on this planet. The U.S. Federal Reserve and many more central banks (even those that are supposedly now government owned) are in fact privately owned banks and the central banks for all central banks the Bank of International Settlements is also a privately owned and controlled by international elite banking families.


An integral part of the money con game and an absolute necessity to make is work is the forced requirement of the public to pay income tax in order to pay interest to the private banks. Opening to standing ovations at the Cannes Film Festival, the movie America Freedom to Fascism explains this and shows that income tax at least in the United States is in fact illegal and enforced by threats and coercion. In the U.S. all taxes paid go to pay interest on the national debt - very penny - and not one cent goes to provide for the functioning of the U.S. government.

International Financial Institutions

The widely know and acclaimed International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank are reported by the media as lending much needed funds to third world countries so they can further develop. This is a lie. In fact, the IMF and World Bank have through indebtedness enabled the complete destruction, control of the economies, and raping of the resources of developing nations. As demonstrated by John Perkins in his book Economic Hitman this was a planned and coordinated effort for control, domination and impoverishment of the developing world.

Finance as a Mechanism to Transform Societies

Throughout the recent century the powers of financial capitalism have used their control over money to transform whole societies and the world at large. They have funded both sides of WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam, funded and instigated both the Russian Revolution and the Chinese Revolution. They have created the mortgage / housing crisis in the United States and actively promoted the current U.S. Economic Collapse. Throughout history they have used their power over money and finance to foment war and revolution as means of transforming society in order to further their control and power.

Media Control

Over the past 50 years the ownership of the media has become increasingly concentrated until today we have a few corporations along with the government owning all of the media outlets. Through editorial control they have created a socially engineered construct or a psychological prison representing a complete fabricated version of reality in which most people live out their lives never knowing the reality of the world around them. To maintain this illusion the media exercise relentless and continued censorship of all news and events of importance. The media has become pure propaganda using lies of obfuscation, distortion, distraction and primarily omission. The media lie and distort everything they report, knowingly and unknowingly (let's remember most of them were brainwashed along with the rest of us), to create a false version of reality to the public in order to keep them compliant and controlled.

Culture Creation

In our society today, culture is created from the top down. Virtually all forms of culture including television, radio, music, fashion, arts, and video games are created by the elite and delivered to the public to create a false sense of reality, ensure social compliance and control the future course of cultural evolution.


"As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented. With the printing press and the newspaper, the railroad, the telephone, telegraph, radio and airplanes, ideas can be spread rapidly and even instantaneously over the whole of America."

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."

- Edward Bernays from his book "Propaganda"

The elite are using the incredibly powerful weapon of mass psychology as a method of controlling the minds of the people and gaining their acceptance of their goals. Some of the methods they are using include Hegelian Dialectics (problem reaction solution); destruction of the family/separation of generations; gender role reversal; dehumanization; moral relativism; predictive programming; Pavlovian repetition; trained ego-syntonic behaviour; psychic driving; and the destruction of existing norms.

Interactive Communications

Interactive Communications, including the internet, cell phones, MP3 players, games, and virtual reality, in the guise of entertainment and communications are being used as methods of gather information on every individual, tracking their every movement (internet and cell phones), and influencing current and future behaviour. Further, these tools are being used to separate and isolate people from one another. One example worth highlighting is the use of violent video games to desensitize the participants to violence so that they might be more effective military soldiers in the future. In fact, video games were created by the military for just this purpose.

Monopoly of Power

For the agenda to succeed, the elite must maintain a monopoly of power. Part of this is maintaining control of the political system of the countries they control. This is done by creating a front called "Democracy" with two major parties (both of which they control) where the public are lead to believe they have a say and minor competition among lower level politicians is allowed, but at the top only those that are approved and properly vetted by elitist groups, such as the Bilderberg Group, are allowed to ascend to the top. The elite and those that serve them thus constitute a secret government behind the visible government. There are many other aspects to this including gun control; centralization of power by increasing power and authority of the executive and bureaucracy; threats, intimidation, assassination; corporate / government partnerships, and others.

Government Sponsored Terror / False Flag Operations

As exposed in films like Terror Storm, the majority of terrorism is in fact sponsored by governments in order to stampede their populations through fear towards a predetermined agenda. A key element of government sponsored terror is false flag operations where governments attack themselves and blame the attack on an enemy in order to stampede the population into war or social change that serves the agenda of the global elite. The attacks of September 11, 2001 and the London Bombings on 7/7/2005 are a couple of the most recent false flag operations.


Nothing is more profitable for international bankers and industrialists than war. Further, more change can be accomplished on a societal level in 5 years than in 50 years of peace. As such, war has been used as a tool of transformation throughout history.

Military & Advanced Weaponry

Given that the elite knew their might be problems down the road as they move us into post-industrial feudalism and depopulation the planet, it was important to encourage the growth of the Military Industrial complex and create wars (real or imaginary such as the Cold War) to ensure continued public support for the massive investment in military weaponry. And of course if you don't have an enemy any more the government and military create one as they did on 9/11 and the war on terror. This is nothing new as governments are responsible for the vast majority of terrorism - a tool they have used over and over down through history to get the people to comply with an agenda. The consequence of this massive investment is that the elite now have an entire arsenal of advanced weaponry they can now turn on the public to ensure their control. These include bioweapons like COVID-19 and COVID-21; weather modification weapons (HAARP); psychotronic weapons; microwave weapons; tectonic weapons; space based weapons; and robotic weapons. Concurrent to the scientific developments, the elite knew they would need to create a generation brought up to fight that would fill the ranks of the military and police forces and introduced violent video games and movies for this purpose.

Regional Harmonization

In order to facilitate the management of a global society, the elite are merging the countries of the world in four superstates - the European Union, African Union, American Union and Asian Union. The European Union is almost complete with only the final step of a constitution to be established. The others are in progress and at different stages.

Local Government and World Government

Ultimately, the regional bodies will be subservient to the United Nations which is to serve as the unelected, unaccountable World Government controlled and run by the elite. To a great degree this has already happened as we know the UN passes regulations that are dutifully passed on by national governments for enactment at the local level. Over time the UN's powers will increase as national militaries are incrementally brought under UN control. Ultimately, the UN will control the world's food supply and reduce each countries allotment of food as the population is brought down.

Global Medical Tyranny

Due to Covid-19, normal human life is illegal. Our businesses have been shut down, events have been canceled, our personal lives have been disrupted, and we're forced to comply with senseless, arbitrary edicts that have no bearing in science or reality.

Worst of all, our governments are increasingly taking orders from unelected, international  "health authorities" with unchecked power.

Eugenics / Population Control as Dominant Ideologies

It is important to understand the the goals and beliefs of the eugenicists never went away. In fact, they have been conducting eugenics operations on the public in the west since world war II. Fluoride in the water, mercury in the vaccines and GMO crops all contribute to the creation of a sick, dumb and compliant population.

Population Control Implementation (Hard Kill)

The overarching desire for population reduction has been implemented in two forms - hard kill and soft kill. The hard kill versions created in bioweapons research labs include AIDS, Ebola and SARS. These programs were designed for large scale population reduction.

Population Control Implementation (Slow Kill)

As Henry Kissinger said population reduction has different characteristics in different parts of the world. In west, the slow kill method has been implemented. This includes vaccines containing mercury and Simian 40 cancer viruses; fluoride in water supplies as used by Hitler and Stalin in their concentration camps; the introduction of the excitotoxin aspartame into the food supply; the presence of xeno-estrogen / bisphenol in plastics; the introduction of GMO crops and their well understood destructive side effects; the use of cell phones will result in brain cancer for millions in coming years as a result of the radiation; and the use of microwave ovens - which the Soviets banned in the 1970's due to the fact that they destroy the nutritive content of food. Further, the combined effects of these programs has manifested itself with a 75% reduction in the sperm counts in the western males according to the UN (ask yourself why aren't the alarm bells ringing and a crisis announced to the public) and an increase in the rates of cancer from 1 in 66 to 1 in 3 over the past 50 years.

Allopathic Medicine vs. Holistic / Natural Medicine

A critical aspect of control is the compliance and acceptance of the population of allopathic medicine and medical orthodoxy and its partner big pharma under which the population can be drugged. A critical part of this agenda is the suppression of alternative/herbal medicine and the advancement of Codex Alimentarius which severely restrict natural health products available to the public. Codex Alimentarius if implemented as scheduled by the end of 2009 could result in the deaths of billions of people from malnutrition and the diseases related to poor nutrition.

Persistent Contrails (aka Chemtrails)

While the true intent of the chemical spraying of the skies that has been going on full scale since the late 1990's is unknown, since the governments refuse to tell the public the true purpose, we do know that the chemicals being sprayed include aluminum, barium and cadmium, all of which have detrimental effects on the human immune system. Consequently, we could conclude they are softening the immune systems of the public for the upcoming pandemics which we are repeatedly told are inevitable (the spraying is fact but the purposes are speculative).




Historical Societies

In order to understand the present, one needs to know the past. If you can control how the public perceive their past you can control their perception of the present. To that end the elite took control of historical societies and actively promoted professors who would promote the view of history the elite wanted promulgated and eliminate inconvenient nasty episodes from history. As they distort and change history for mass consumption, the elite's maintain real histories in archives with access granted to only a select group. Despite their efforts some real history books have been written and published such as "America BC" and "Forbidden Archaeology" but they remain little known.

Universal Education (i.e. Indoctrination)

A critical component to ensuring their domination and control of a society has been control over the educational system of a country. The principal organization in this regard is UNESCO, an organization founded by Julian Huxley who also founded the Eugenics Society and the World Health Organization (WHO). The purpose of UNESCO and government controlled education is to indoctrinate/brainwash the young into adopting a particular view of history and the world in which they live in order to create a more compliant servant/worker. Consequently, whenever a country is invaded/conquered one of the first organizations entering the country is UNESCO in order to re-educate the young to to adopt a particular world view so that the conquered society can be integrated into the system desired by the conquerors. It is apparent that the desired outcome is that of a dumbed down and ignorant population incapable of critical thought. Two excellent works on this topic are "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt and "Underground History of American Eduction" by John Taylor Gatto

Control of Academia

Most grants to scientists and other academics at the university level come from the elite through their control of their foundations (see section on Philanthropy/NGOs). Because of this, the elite steer the direction of research by giving money for certain projects while not funding other avenues of research. All academics are dependent on these grants and are thus controlled lackeys for the elite.

Corporate Control of Everything

Through control of the global multinational corporations, their public - private partnerships and interlocking corporate directorships, the elites seek ownership/control over everything that control every aspect of society - chiefly water, power and food.

Cartels / Monopoly

Money cartels, oil cartels, food cartels, water cartels. You name it, any key strategic resource required to control and dominate society, a cartel of wealthy elites are seeking to own all resources in every important sector of society.

Globalization of Poverty

In order to establish dominance over the entire planet and its populations, the elite must create a society of equally impoverished slaves. This necessitates the elimination of the middle class and the concentration of wealth in private hands. As such, the United States as the driving force of the world economy must be destroyed and all populations impoverished to bring about the global plantation.

Regional Harmonization

To facilitate global government and the dominance of global multinational corporations it is necessary to eliminate national boundaries and create the superstates of Europe, Africa, America. This will allow the corporations and their owners to further consolidate power and control of the masses while at the same time maximizing corporate profits.

Religion as Control

Religion throughout history has always been used by elites as mechanism to control society. They have known how to do this for millennia and have repeated the same formula over and over again at different times and locations. Virtually all religions over the past 5,000 years have been allegories based on earlier forms of pagan sun worship.

Destruction of Religious Beliefs

In order to bring about their desired complete reordering of society, the elite have engaged in a systematic effort over many decades to destroy the current religious and moral structures that have dominated for centuries. This requirement does demonstrate that there are real morals and values worth holding onto taught by the major religions even if their stories are largely fabricated. By promoting a do as you please culture via movies, television and other means the elite are creating a cultural climate of moral relativism. In such a climate there are no boundaries and the public can be led to accept any standard no matter how degrading.

New Religion Based on Earth Worship

Today, the elite are seeking to destroy the old religious belief systems and replace them with a "new age" religion based on a form of earth worship. Doing so will accomplish multiple objectives - to get people to accept lower standards of living; to accept voluntary sterilization to save mother earth thus helping to depopulate the planet; and to accept restrictions on rights and freedoms in the name of saving the environment.

Scientists/Experts are the New Priesthood

As we move into a more advanced form of scientific dictatorship based on earth worship, the new priests are the scientists and related experts. These experts will serve as the technocracy, or the middle man holders of knowledge, as they have throughout history.

The Compromised 501C3 American Church

They want to completely neuter authentic Christianity. They tell Christians to comply with the government, no matter how abusive, unlawful, or unconstitutional they are. They stifle true Christianity, while funding fake Christianity.


Today we have the best science money can buy. Most grants to scientists and other academics at the university level come from the elite through their control of their foundations (see section on Philanthropy/NGOs). Because of this, the elite steer the direction of research by giving money for certain projects while not funding other avenues of research. All scientists are dependent on these grants and are thus controlled lackeys for the elite. Further, those projects yielding desirable results are snapped up by the elite's private interests and used to extend their control and dominance and further particular aspects of their agenda.

Technology Given to the Public vs. the Real State of Technology

Despite what we've been told by the government and media, namely that we are on the cutting edge of technology, the fact of the matter is that real scientific and technical knowledge is in fact many decades ahead of what the public are given. When we look into recent history we can see this fact demonstrated over and over again. In order to maintain power and control over the masses, the elite tightly control the development and release of advanced technology to the public so that they can control the outcome.


The internet, also known as the world wide web (www), has a completely different meaning to the controllers and that is the "World Wide Wiretap". The reality is that the internet developed by the US Military via DARPA was given to the public not as a method of efficient communication but rather as a method of controlling and tracking the public; training people to divulge private information freely; and identifying and psychologically profiling each and every person's habits and behaviour. One of the unintended consequences has been the free flow of knowledge about the controllers themselves. Consequently, the internet itself is being targeted for transformation under Internet 2 into a government/corporate control medium (like TV) where free flow of ideas is censored and prohibited and only approved information will be accessible and the concept of internet neutrality is destroyed.

Technological Mechanisms of Control

While it is true that the technological advances have resulted in increased communication capabilities, it is also true that there is an equally dark side to electronic communications and that is the ability to track, monitor and control. Intelligence agencies now routinely monitor ALL email, cell phone and internet traffic. As the technology advances this control will only increase using technologies such as RFID to track a person's every move and the products they own; the cashless society where all financial transactions will be monitored and the government will know everything you purchase and own; virtual worlds such as "Sentient World" will be used to duplicate in cyberspace every person living in the real world; and as has happened over the past several years microchip implants will used to track and trace your every move.


Energy is a primary mechanism of control. The population must remain dependent of oil so they can be controlled. We are fed a constant stream of lies about Peak Oil despite the fact that the world is in reality awash in oil. We are lied to about energy alternatives and have seen the suppression of super efficient and even free energy technologies.

Food and Water

As in any war on the public throughout history, the elite are now using the basics of survival - food and water, as weapons on the public. We are now seeing the widespread use of genetically modified crops and their clearly demonstrable harmful side effects. Further, we see the propagation of terminator seeds whereby the local population cannot store seeds for the coming year but rather are forced into dependence on the multinational food corporations like Monstanto and other big agro interests. Ultimately, as stated in the U.N. Agricultural Policy, all food will be controlled by the global government and each country will only receive enough food to support the approved level of population, which will of course be reduced over time.


Unfortunately, the very real and pressing environmental concerns of the environmental movement have been hijacked by the elite to serve their own aims. The are now promoting global warming (recently rebranded as climate change since the earth really isn't warming) as a real threat not to solve any real environmental issues but rather to promote a global system of taxation and control.

Contract/Equity Law

In order to understand the legal system we operate under, it is critical to understand that the current system operates under maritime admiralty law and as such is based solely upon contract/equity law. The power of contract is your road to freedom or your road to enslavement.

Ancient System of Pledging / Birth Certificates

Our parents/grandparents were misled into registering us at birth and in doing so, under the ancient system of pledging, made us slaves/collateral to the government/bankers. For example, on the back of most Canadian's birth certificate it says "Revenue Receipt No. A1234556 For Treasury Use Only". What this means is that you are property/chattel of the government and that a bond was created with your name or number on it that was pledged by the government to the bankers based in your future taxes as collateral on the debt. Thus, you are legally enslaved and property of a banker somewhere.

Social Insurance Number /Taxes

What you haven't been told is that at 18 years old you had an opportunity to legally opt out of the system. However, by applying for or continuing to use the Social Insurance Number, applied for on your behalf by your parents or relatives, you agreed to become a taxpayer and have duties and responsibilities as such. Had you chosen not to have a Social Insurance Number and use your lawful right to contract you would would never had to pay taxes and been free to operate outside the jurisdiction of most statutes.

Common Law vs. Commercial/Admiralty Law (and Freeman-On-The-Land)

As demonstrated by numerous alternative lawful scholarly groups, we and our parents have been tricked/deceived into a system in which we have given up our god given natural rights as human beings. This has been done by the creation of artificial persons/corporations that were created by the government and have similar names to our true selves but which are in fact separate corporate entities. We were deceived into accepting these artificial persons as being one and the same as us, the human being, and in the process voluntarily, but out of ignorance, had our rights reduced to that of slaves. By accepting this corporate identity we have given up our common law rights and accepted commercial (i.e. admiralty) law.

Foundations as Methods of Control

One of the greatest tricks perpetrated on the public has been the turning the robber barons /elites into philanthropists. This great trick was accomplished by the mass media and various psychological techniques. Through these mechanisms they have managed to convince the public that they gave up their power in the interests of society, gave their money to foundations and other philanthropic organizations and faded into the pages of history. This is a lie. They still exist and exercise their power through their control on the monetary system and their control of the the foundations and their ability to fund their desired outcomes. The foundations (Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, etc.) use their tax exempt status and great wealth to advance the elite's agenda for complete global domination.

Royal Institute of International Affairs / Council on Foreign Relations

In the modern era, the key institutions are the British Royal Institute of International Affairs and its similarly named counterparts in Commonwealth countries along with its branches in non-Commonwealth countries all called Council on Foreign Relations such as those in the US and India. Equally important to recognize is these institutions are subservient to the Round Table Groups. Historically, these groups were central in advancing the spread of the British Empire over the world and as such are central figures of control. However, they are now part of a larger and more extensive system of control.

Merger of Capitalism and Communism

As Norman Dodd discovered in the 1960's congressional investigations, the purpose of the "great foundations" was to merge capitalism and communism into a system of global control. The new system would be economically capitalist, and as such privately owned, and socially communist run by scientist and other experts as were the Soviet councils.

Hundreds of Think Tanks and other NGOs / Thousand Points of Light

As George Bush stated in his speech on September 11, 1990 and and again September 11, 1991, there was an opportunity for a New World Order and it was being worked on by a thousand points of light. Highly masonic symbolism. What he was referring to was the myriad related and interlocked NGO's and think tanks like the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission; environmental groups; and many others think tanks and NGOs created and funded by the elite to bring about their New World Order. As an example of the diffuse nature of these NGO's is the Club of Rome, a premier think tank which published the First Global Revolution in which they invented the global warming fraud.

This is a controversial but critical aspect to understanding the elite's control of our society. Yes, there are secret societies operating and their have been for many decades if not hundreds of years who believe in ancient pagan and occult systems from which they believe they derive their power.

Illuminati - 1776

Adam Weishaupt is credited with the founding of the Illuminati secret society in Bavaria in 1776. This society was exposed and supposedly eliminated but the evidence shows that they continued on in other guises.

Cecil Rhodes

Cecil Rhodes stated that the he believed the British to be the finest civilization and wished to propagate the British system throughout the world. To this end, he used his substantial wealth to found a secret society based upon the Illuminati precisely for this purpose.

Alfred Milner and Milner's Kindergarten

As explained by Carroll Quigley in The Anglo-American Establishment and Tragedy and Hope, Alfred Milner took over from Cecile Rhodes in the goal to propagate the British system throughout the world and was instrumental in founding the Round Tables group. This group has been instrumental in creating the interlocking network on influence and control under which we live today. This group spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs which operates in all Commonwealth Countries and the Council on Foreign Relations which operates in non-commonwealth countries like the United States.

Rings within Rings

Rings within Rings within Rings. The inner group which has no name are the controllers of the game and the ultimate holders of the real objectives of the group. The next level is the 2nd ring called the Society of the Elect. The 3rd ring is the Round Table Groups. At this point the group is still quite small and its important to understand that at each level these groups all think they are part of the inner circle. Next comes the 4th ring which includes but is not limited to the following groups the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), high Freemasons, etc. There are many other groups and societies at this level including secret societies, non-governmental organizations, think tanks and others outside of governmental control or as George W. Bush phrased it "a thousand points of light".

Outer Rings

It is important to recognize that the outer rings are populated by for the most part unknowing dupes. The outer rings include non-governmental organizations (other than the founders) and their indoctrination and brainwashing from a young age is used to falsely assure them the cause they are involved in is a positive development for our society.


Freemasonry deserves a special mention since it is practiced by the elites in every country, albeit in a different form from your local masonic lodge. The elite and powerful put the symbols of masonry everywhere throughout our society today.

we are currently living in a post-truth world; meaning that “objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.” In essence, postmodernism is a rejection of “objective truth”. Of course, we know that “any denial of objective truth must itself be objectively true if it’s to be meaningful.” Individuals often use this “self-defeating” and “unlivable” ideology to justify sin.

The ideas of freedom, human dignity, gender/sexuality, and identity have been made relative in the eyes of many; Science and faith are perceived to be diametrically opposed. Self- evident truths are now up for debate. The new relative nature of “freedom” and “human dignity” has the potential to justify terrible atrocities. Gender is often considered “fluid” rather than binary. Sexual perversions, confusion, promiscuity, experimentation, and the use of pornography are seen as “empowering” while expressing biblical sexuality in marriage is seen as “patriarchal oppression”.

Many men feel disillusioned and emasculated. They retreat into themselves; arrested in their development they refuse responsibility, leadership, and high purpose. Many women live a schizophrenic existence in which they attempt to reconcile their natural desires and inclinations with the tenants of oppressive feminist doctrine. Science is seen as a “benevolent panacea” to the “evil delusion” of religion. Having renounced such “archaic, old-world fairytales”, many embrace evolution; an easily disprovable scientific theory dreamed up by a bitter Malthusian; simply for the fact that it is the current dominant consensus in the secular, neo-liberally dominated communities of science and academia.

At the individual level, there is a profound sense of existential fear, anxiety, frustration, loneliness, depression, disillusionment, and confusion. Neo-liberal postmodern ideologies have effectively cut us off from our heritage, and the wisdom and knowledge of the past. This has been the major driving force behind the fundamental loss of identity and purpose. We see a mass rejection of the quest for eternal spiritual truth in favor of frivolous ideologies like materialism and consumerism. Furthermore, many seem to believe that self-centeredness is the highest good, entertainment is the meaning of life, and experiencing sensual pleasure is the chief end goal of mankind.

Recent studies into the increased mediatization of society have represented a significant paradigm shift in the field of mass communication research. Mediatization is the “long-term, ongoing, meta-process of historical developments in which social changes take place as communication media changes.” It is a framework in which we can explore the complex relationship between media and “all spheres of society and social life”. The mediatization of society has particularly accelerated as mobile internet devices become more and more integral to the functions of everyday life. “We spend hours hooked to our screens for many and various reasons: for work, study, but increasingly for pleasure and to feel connected. According to recent stats, teenagers in the USA spend more than 7.5 hours a day” interacting with digital multimedia. “We are witnessing compulsive hyper-connection, a global excess of information, an obsession for perpetual communication but which is devoid of content.” (Aguaded, 2014).

I define information overload as the diverse array of negative feelings associated with living in a fast-paced, information-heavy climate; complacency and apathy associated with becoming desensitized to rapid information bombardment. “In order to form an opinion and make decisions, strategies to deal with the flood of information in order to achieve an optimal result are needed.” For this reason, we are becoming desensitized to large quantities of information; effectively tuning out anything that questions our own limited, self-centered, postmodern worldview. In addition, the adverse effects of information overload “(loss of deep attention, concentration, and patience as well as increased scanning, hyper-reading, etc.) prevent us from dealing with the available information accordingly.” (Reflective Action, 2018).

We have adapted to the information overload by filtering everything through a lens of confirmation bias. That means people are more likely to “rely on a few familiar sources which they consider to be of high quality. Due to the information overload, they, therefore, find themselves in a sort of filter bubble.” Thus, we are left wide open to “manipulation through algorithms”. This is dangerous for “reflective opinion formation and thus for democracy”. In addition, the average person doesn’t have as many traditional face-to-face interactions as they once did, so they aren’t exposed to as many “divergent views without actively seeking them”. (Reflective Action, 2018). Therefore, it creates further polarization in society, mass media monopolies are secured, and the truth is often obscured by the sheer volume of content produced.

Multitasking has become very popular in the last few decades. It is often praised as a way of making someone “more productive.” However, research shows that “heavy multitaskers actually have more trouble focusing and shutting out irrelevant information.” They also “experience more stress”. It may even have lasting cognitive damage. Scientists have also discovered that after an individual stops multitasking “fractured thinking and lack of focus” persists. (Richtel, 2010.) When we multitask, “cognitive needs are not satisfied”, but rather “emotional gratifications are obtained despite not being actively sought. This helps explain why people increasingly multitask at the cost of cognitive needs.” (Wang & Tchernev, 2012.)

Scientists also say that “juggling e-mail, phone calls, and other incoming information can change how people think and behave”. Particularly, “our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information. These play to a primitive impulse to respond to immediate opportunities and threats. The stimulation provokes excitement — a dopamine squirt — that researchers say can be addictive. In its absence, people feel bored.” (Richtel, 2010.)

Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasion, the average person chooses the peripheral route; defined as “a mental shortcut process that accepts or rejects a message based on irrelevant cues as opposed to actively thinking about the issue”. (Griffin, Ledbetter, & Sparks, 2015.) In other words, they choose the path of the least cognitive resistance. Therefore, the average person lacks motivation, analytical skills, patience, and contemplativeness; thus less cognitively prepared to make a lasting change in attitude. They seek instant gratification, and they have trouble focusing. The average attention span has dropped below that of a goldfish. “According to a new study from Microsoft Corp., people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds,” which means our attention span is one second shorter than “that of the notoriously ill-focused goldfish”. This highlights the effects of an “increasingly digitalized lifestyle on the brain.” (McSpadden, 2015).

Media Effects focuses on what media “does to people”. Uses and Gratifications theory focuses on what people “do with media”. The theory acknowledges the competition between the different types of media, as well as the competition between media and real life. It asserts that “media consumption is a deliberate choice designed to satisfy particular needs”. According to the Uses and Gratifications theory, we use media for “enjoyment, passing time, companionship, social interaction, escape, relaxation, information, and excitement.” (Griffin, Ledbetter, & Sparks, 2015). It is a cruel irony then, that something so integral to our daily routine; something we view as so innocuous, is, in reality, oftentimes specifically created for mental, moral, spiritual, and societal decay.

Elite's Utopia

The elite's utopia is not the Star Trek federation ideal but rather and complete controlled on dominated society consisting of the elite and their slaves.

Population Reduction to less than 1 Billion people

The elite firmly believe the earth is overpopulated and the population must by any and all means (war, starvation and pandemics included) be reduced to less than 1 billion people.

Post Industrial Feudalism

The elite believe that the current level of resource consumption is unsustainable in the long run and consequently the world must enter a post industrial society once again based on a form of scientific feudalism.

Implantable Microchips

As sociopathic control freaks, the elite want to create a completely controlled society of slaves that are implanted with microchips so they can track every move of the population and ultimately control every thought a person has. As an interim step, all products we purchase will include and RFID chip that can track and trace the location of all we own. Also, cash will be eliminated as a medium of exchange and replaced with cashless credit and all those who refuse to comply with the elite's dictates will simply have their cards turned off. Ultimately, those that are implanted will be able to be downloaded with new information/skills and reprogrammed for new tasks as the need requires and individual free thought will be impossible.

Purpose Made Humans

As their knowledge of genetic engineering advances, the intent is to create a slave class of purpose made humans to serve the elite. As part of the new society they seek to create, the elite seek to control reproduction in a scientific manner. Ultimately, they seek to control/restrict reproduction scientifically and create hermaphroditic slaves/beings who will be granted permission to reproduce and only be given that permission if they have proven their worth to the state.


The elite are obsessed with death and the possibility of escaping it through science to achieve immortality. The tremendous amounts of money being pored into research in genetics and life extension reflects this. Of course, only those with tremendous wealth will be granted access to the technology necessary to live forever.


As the elite's seek immortality, they foresee a possible future in which they merge with machines and the resulting "species" lives immortal lives and replaces all humans as we know them today.

End of the Age - New Age

As we leave the age of Pisces and enter the age of Aquarius, the elite plan to create a completely new and different society in which only those with a purpose to serve the world state will be born.

The Georgia Guidestones

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. [Mass Genocide]
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. [Eugenics]
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language. [Eliminate What Makes Us Special & Unique]
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. [Dictate What We Believe, What We Value, How We Celebrate, and Ultimately How We Live our Lives.]
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. [Unelected World Court with Unchecked Power Over the Individual]
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court [Unelected World Court with Unchecked Power Over Nation States]
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. [Eliminate Local & State Representatives]
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties. [No Rights]
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. [New Age Anti-Christ Religion]
  10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature. [Commit Mass Genocide & Terrible Atrocities in the name of saving "mother earth"]

welcome... to the real world. you're here for a reason.
